Writing a schema for telemetry

All Schemas should be a valid JSON schema and can be written in valid YAML or JSON.

At a minimum, valid Jupyter Telemetry Event schema requires have the following keys:

  • $id : a URI to identify (and possibly locate) the schema.

  • version : schema version.

  • title : name of the schema

  • description : documentation for the schema

  • properties : attributes of the event being emitted.

    Each property should have the following attributes:

    • title : name of the property

    • description: documentation for this property.

    • categories: list of types of data being collected

  • required: list of required properties.

Here is a minimal example of a valid JSON schema for an event.

$id: event.jupyter.org/example-event
version: 1
title: My Event
description: |
  All events must have a name property
type: object
    title: Thing
      - category.jupyter.org/unrestricted
    description: A random thing.
    title: User name
      - category.jupyter.org/user-identifier
    description: Name of user who initiated event
- thing
- user

Property Categories

Each property can be labelled with categories field. This makes it easier to filter properties based on a category. We recommend that schema authors use valid URIs for these labels, e.g. something like category.jupyter.org/unrestricted.

Below is a list of common category labels that Jupyter Telemetry recommends using:

  • category.jupyter.org/unrestricted

  • category.jupyter.org/user-identifier

  • category.jupyter.org/user-identifiable-information

  • category.jupyter.org/action-timestamp